Saturday, August 26, 2023

Motorola Radius Bracket

The bracket that is included with the Motorola Radius and Maxtrac line of radios is called a Trunnion. When these radios an handled off and sold on sites like eBay, the bracket and/or bracket screws tend to go missing. You can obtain thes at a minimal cost to replace them. The thread is M5 x 12mm long. A standard 10-32 screw will technically work. However M5 is the correct size. You can order these from Motorola Dealer or you can use any ordinary M5 screw. Motolra supplied mouting screws are nice make tightening the radio down effortless with no tools required. I have found that these M5 thumbscrews are a more economical alterative and can found at the Amazon link below.

20-Piece M5 Thumbscrews Threaded Knurled Thumbscrew Grip Knobs Thumb Screw for Machinery Latche with Storage Case (M5 x10)¡­

These thumb screws are only 27c each and don't have to be sourced from a special location. If you are in need of a tunnion bracket, I have found one on Thingivese that gets the job done and worked for me for a short while. I even printed off a few copies to provide to others. Stand for Motorola GM Series I have recently attempted to replicate the orininal trunion bracket for these radios in TinkerCAD. The link to that model is below. The model is still a work-in-progress but is comming along quite nicely. It even includes the detents to help lock the radio into the roational position.